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Without music, life would be a mistake.’
Friedrich Nietzsche

Mission Statement

Rooted in gospel values St Cecilia’s Catholic School Community lives together, learns together, loves together.


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Vision Statement

St Cecilia is the Patron Saint of music and as such, our vision of music celebrates the joy and creativity that music can bring. Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity, which equips children with a better understanding of the world they live in and enables them to communicate their experiences and feelings. Our pupils are musicians; developing a love of music as well as the skills of performance, critical listening, and composition, whilst they engage with a wide variety of musical genres and participate in a range of musical experiences. The value we place music in enables pupils to reach their full potential, allowing them to become socially, morally, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and culturally integrated members of society. Music at St Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School gives children the opportunity to enhance their creativity, self-esteem, self-confidence and sense of achievement in a challenging and collaborative environment.

St Cecilia

Saint Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Music; she is on every page of our school website, can you find her? It believed that when musicians played at her wedding she "sang in her heart to the Lord" and for this she was declared the Saint of Musicians.  Her tomb is in the Church of Santa Cecilia, in Rome, Italy. In paintings, she is often shown  playing a viola, an organ, or other musical instrument. Many people believe that this is incorrect, as her main talent is thought to have been her singing voice. 

What we’re up to!

You can find out what we are up to by visiting out Twitter page @StCeciliascjs

And search for the following hashtags;


Painting of Saint Cecilia by John Melhuish Strudwick on display at Sudley House in Mossley Hill - free to visit.

Music milestones

Music Curriculum Overview

Music at St Cecilia's Catholic Junior School

The main music curriculum is delivered by our wonderful music teacher Rosy Smith, who works with each class for a series of lessons each half term. This is strengthened by pupils taking part in musical opportunities through assemblies, hymn practice, visiting musicians, school plays, assemblies and much more. 

We also have small group and individual musical instruments lessons from Cait Walker, who teaches woodwind and piano lessons for children. If you would be interested in your child having extra musical instrument lessons, please pick up a letter with more information about the cost and expectations from the school office. 

Lessons are available on the following instruments: 

Recorder, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Piano

Individual music lessons



Year 3 are musicians!





Year 4 are Musicians

In year 4 we have also had a chance to enjoy some music in science. We even made our own wind, string and percussion instruments to see how pitch changes. 

Year 5 are Musicians!




Year 6 are Musicians!

Year 6-1 have been studying the Mariachi music of Mexico.  We have learned how to play and sing 'La Bamba' and we have enjoyed every single minute of it.


Pupil Voice

We are musicians! Here is what we have to say about music at St Cecilia's Catholic Junior School:

 "I find music very interesting. I like how you can create different sounds!" Jude, Year 6

 "Rosy makes it really fun and teaches us good songs. She makes it as easy as possible to learn new songs and to play songs that you are comfortable with!" Jacob, Year 5.

"I like music because I learn useful skills that I can use later on in life." Anna-Maria Year 4

"I really like music because it is relaxing. If you're feeling worried or stressed, it helps to calm down." Darcy, Year 6

"In music we have been listening to different composers. The topics that we have been learning are very interesting. In some topics we learn about instruments and different types of music, it is a good variety." Jude, Year 6.

"We have been learning about rap artists, female artists and unusual artists. The topics are really fun and interesting, it is good when you don’t really hear this type of music." Darcy, Year 6

"I really enjoy the clapping game and being able to use instruments to tell a story." Isla, Year 3

"I enjoyed showing what we have learnt to the school in our performance." Grace, Year 3

"At the end of the lesson, Rosy gives out musicians of the lesson, which lets us know we've done well." Rozalia, Year 5

"Rosy will congratulate us and tell us that we are doing a good job!" Jude, Year 6




Pupil Voice conducted May 2024