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Attendance and Punctuality

Do you want your child to be successful in school? Do you want your child to achieve the best academic standards they are capable of? Do you want your child to excel on sport, art, music, dance and technology?

If the answer is YES to these questions, you need to ensure your child has excellent school attendance.

School Attendance Matters.

Most children have good attendance and the school wants to celebrate that with them. We also want to encourage everyone to achieve high levels of attendance. As a parent you should ensure that your child attends school every day and you have a duty to ensure a good level of attendance.

A national research Department for Education report in March 2016 found a strong evidence based link between attendance and attainment in schools. Every extra day missed was associated with lower attainment outcome.

OTIS is our Ostrich and he spends time with the children in their classroom if they win the best attendance for the week. OTIS also brings with him biscuits for each child in the class and for the staff too!! OTIS stands for On Time In School. 

Class Attendance Displays

Each class has their own interactive attendance display where each child has their own 'Frog' that they can 'hop' to different lily pads on the display. The children are given their current attendance figure and they place their frog on the correct lily pad. It is important each child know their own attendance and how they can improve it.


When pupils arrive late, they miss out on essential instructions given at the beginning of the lesson. This can significantly reduce achievement, regardless of academic ability. Children may also feel awkward arriving to the classroom when everyone else is settled. Furthermore, when one pupil arrives late, it disrupts the entire class and the teacher, therefore, everyone's education is compromised.

The school opens at 8.40am and the lessons begin at 8.50am. Any child arriving after 8.50am will receive a late mark in the register and must sign in using the screen in the main office reception area.