Vision Statement/ SEMH Provision
Our vision is to create a nurturing school community where children succeed and are proud of their achievements.
- Our school was specially selected to take part in a new initiative called Restorative Thinking which helps develop positive self – talk, empathy and responsibility for our actions. All staff are trained in this practice. Restorative conversations help us understand our feelings and how we affect others. By building strong relationships in our community and beyond, we strive to live in harmony and look for peaceful ways to solve our differences.
- Our Positive Behaviour Policy compliments Restorative Thinking. It is credited to the work of Paul Dix, a behaviour specialist. We have a calm, consistent approach to behaviour and pay first attention to the best conduct. Children are recognised for going above and beyond the expectation for everyday behaviour and work ethic. Every child is shown the dignity they deserve and helped to understand their emotions and ways to improve relationships with others. We will continue to embed our behaviour policy and involve the whole community in training. As Paul Dix says ‘When the adults change everything changes.’
- A number of trained staff deliver Rainbows. We are a Rainbows site.
- RELAX /mindfulness takes place after breaks or when need arises using consistent techniques and making full use of our RELAX Ed resources.
- Daily use of ROAR rainbow to identify low mood in pupils.
- Weekly circle time and PSHE sessions take place in each class.
- Social Emotional Mental Health Operational Lead in school who works with our growing number of practitioners to support children and parents SEMH.
- Seedlings are in school half a day to work with SEMH needs
- ADHD foundation to work with groups of children half day each week to support their emotional regulation.
- Sensory circuit 4x a week is now embedded for children with sensory needs and takes place in our Infant hall.
- ROAR practices delivered by all staff in class throughout the day.
- ELSA trained professional in school to deliver sessions to children in emotional literacy
- 1-1 SEMH sessions delivered by SEMH operational lead for children referred through SEND.
- Play therapy for children in the network including St Cecilia’s takes place 2 days a week.
- Breakfast club, toast (Junior children) fruit and milk (Infant children) is provided for all children. This ensures no child goes hungry.
- Play leaders lead games at break and lunchtime to provide happy experiences across the whole school.
- Sports coach to take vulnerable groups for additional PE/ games sessions during the afternoon.
- Lunch club provided for children who prefer a quieter lunchtime experience.